The creation of this site is something that has been percolating in me for almost a decade. Buddhist in the Boardroom is something I both relate and aspire to. It is the integration of what the cynical world considers opposing concepts. We humans just love dualities. Light and dark, Yin and Yang, masculine and feminine, good and evil are some quick examples. The more of life we experience, the more we learn that most everything is relational and exists in shades of gray or in some combination. I think the truth exists in the notion that we are all comprised of infinite potentiality, not limited by or bound by these dualities, but what the hell do I know? I believe in the radical idea that we do NOT need to choose between personas. We do not need to choose between talents or gifts. We do not need to choose between archetypes. Maybe we can't do everything at the same time, but we can BE as many different things simultaneously as our hearts and imaginations can conjure.
I have watched people suffer, because they are trying to become or attain something they believe they require to be worthy of love. I was one of them and in truth, still am to some degree. In the "becoming" process, there is a feeling or belief that the thing that they want to become requires sacrifices of other parts of themselves. Parts that they grieve the loss of. This site and the content I am sharing is about the reintegration of all of the pieces. It is about loving the whole, even the splinters we are ashamed of or the parts that society values less. It is about dreaming, and believing in our own worth and our own gifts.
My goal is to simply tell a story through words and through art. It isn't a comfortable one for me to tell and it likely may not be comfortable for you to read but it has spent long enough locked up inside of me and it's time to shift it out. If, in this process, you can relate or be inspired, or feel less alone in your own experience then I will count that as a blessing. If you think it's all complete bullshit, well, that's okay too. To each his or her own as they say. Rock on with your bad self!